Thursday, July 01, 2004
After realizing that I won't be able to keep my webpage up when I move to London (not that I've been updating very recently lately anyway, finding working cracks for my ftp-client is so damn hard) I've come to terms with the fact that I have to declare my webpage officially dead. At least slumbering, for the next couple of years. So I'm gonna start blogging instead - honestly, most of you people who actually read my old page just used it to get information about what I'm up to anyway, it had no real purpose. A blog is much more efficient. Besides, now I can hide my profoundly lacking skills when it comes to web stuff. Weee :)

So this is it, then - the new place to go to catch up on what I'm doing these days.
And, yes, now it is in English, because today it's exactly two months (60 days) 'till I leave Norway for good... don't worry, I'll be sure to take my Herbjørg Kråkevik-cd with me to make sure I don't forget about the old country. Hah.

I don't expect anyone to miss my old scruffy webpage. May it rest in peace...
posted by schti @ 4:37 PM  
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