Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Did I put my adress up in the last post? Don't think I did. Here it is:
23 Yeldham Road
London W6 8JF

and my number is (+44) 78 3510 4741... give me a ring :)
posted by schti @ 12:41 PM   0 comments
Sunday, September 05, 2004
I'm a Londoner!!!
Yey! Am now all settled in London - got a great little house 10 minutes walk from LAMDA, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a great kitchen. Pictures will be posted as soon as I get my new camera phone :)
Very short message this time, have to run, just thought I should let you all know I'm doing well...

And YEY, Josh will be here in 10 days!

(and Ryan in 20 days, lol)
posted by schti @ 2:11 PM   5 comments
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Name: schti
Home: Angel, London, United Kingdom
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