Sunday, February 27, 2005

Seriøst den beste isen i verden. Sjokoladeis og vaniljeis med browniefudge og cookiedough....mmmmmmmmm Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 7:13 PM   0 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Vi har vært på fylla. Som vi er de fleste kvelder. Men dette er fra bursdagen til Kerry, forrige helg. Hun er ikke på noen av bildene. Snedig det der. Dette er gutta jeg pleier å gå ut med (de tre i bakgrunnen vaffal, de to foran - not so much. Ja, de er rare. Alle sammen.) Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:14 PM   0 comments

Woohoo! Pixie, Big Steve og Marcus. Gale gutter. Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:12 PM   0 comments

Meg og Taff, lyslærern min. Det er ikke så ille som det ser ut som, jeg lover :) Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:12 PM   0 comments

Taff og Kathleen. Denne jenta rocker bare. *digge* Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:09 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Kaja... er hun ikke søt? *tikk takk tikk takk*... Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:51 PM   0 comments

Bilder fra Kiss Me Kate - forhåpentligvis med en LITEN forklaring under. Er ikke sikkert dere får mye fornuft ut av det men det er i hvertfall fine bilder... klikk på ferbruary2005 i arkivet for å se alle.

og, jah, all photographs copyright Rob H. Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:26 PM   0 comments

Oh, Bill... WHY can't you behave? Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:24 PM   0 comments

The moment a man signs an IOU his mind goes blank... There's human nature for'ya! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:23 PM   0 comments

Strange, dear, but true dear... when I'm close to you dear... Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:23 PM   0 comments

We open in Venice... Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:22 PM   0 comments

I'm a maid made to marry, and will take with no quam - any Tom Dick or Harry, any Harry Dick or Tom! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:20 PM   0 comments

I've come to wive it wealthily in Padua! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:17 PM   0 comments

Will you nill you I WILL marry you! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:16 PM   0 comments

"You will not leave this theatre!" "Are you threatening me??" "Nooo, I'm just moving my weight off of one foot and on to the other." Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:15 PM   0 comments

Just kiss him, Kate.... NO!!!!!! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:12 PM   0 comments

Oh just KISS'IM!! (bang) (dead pigeon falling from sky) Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:11 PM   0 comments

It's too darn hot, it's too darn hot... Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:11 PM   0 comments

I'd like to coo for my baby tonight... and pitch some woo with my baby tonight Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:10 PM   0 comments

Where is the life that late I led? Where is it now? Totally dead! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:08 PM   0 comments

But I'm always true to you darling in my fashion, yes I'm always true to you darling in my way! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:06 PM   0 comments

And then you dine, in that cosy little 100-seater. And then it's time for another nap (20 minutes, rests the brain) Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:05 PM   0 comments

Strange, dear... but true, dear... when I'm close to you dear... Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:04 PM   0 comments

Bianca, Bianca... you better answer yes or papa spanka! Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:01 PM   0 comments

Brush up your Shakespeare, start quoting him now... Brush up your Shakespeare, and the women you will wow... Posted by Hello
posted by schti @ 9:00 PM   0 comments
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Name: schti
Home: Angel, London, United Kingdom
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