Sunday, July 11, 2004
au :(
so. I'm at work. Bunnpris. It's 8pm. I'm about to cut open the plastic band on a stack of newspaers. I try to cut but the knife slips. It hits my thumb. "Ouch", I think, and reach for some paper as I assume I have a small scratch, it doesn't hurt much. Then I look at my finger. I can't SEE me finger - because it's completely covered in blood. I squeeze it shut and run up to the bathroom to try to wash some of it away to see how bad it is. Damn. It's 3cms long and goes straight to the bone. 10 minutes later I'm at the hospital. Now I have 4 stitches, a huge white bandage covering my entire hand and I can only type with one hand so this is going real slow.

The good thing is that I don't have to go to work tomorrow - YAY! :)
posted by schti @ 8:05 PM  
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