Monday, August 02, 2004
happy happy happy!
the weirdest thing happened tonight... I was out taking a walk, around 10pm, and I was walking back from Ila, up Osloveien... and it was warm and very nice and the sun was setting, making the sky look very 80'ish, and I had Pinback on my discman, and everyone I met on my way looked friendly and happy, and suddenly I just started smiling and laughing a little to myself. For no real reason. I didn't think it was possible to be this happy! Yay for me! :D

I still have a lot of time on my hands though... so if anyone wants to take a walk or meet up for some ice coffee or smoothies or something, give me a hollar! (except this weekend 'cause I'll be visiting my brother...)
posted by schti @ 9:46 PM  
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