Monday, August 30, 2004

leaving in less than 36 hours
posted by schti @ 10:34 PM   0 comments
Monday, August 23, 2004
it feels like October. I've snuggled up with a cup of blueberry tea, a blanket, chocolate chip cookies, Unni Wilhelmsen on the stereo and a thick book in my lap... the perfect october evening - and it's only August yet! Damn, it's going to be weird to go to London in a week, where it's still 20C...
posted by schti @ 8:27 PM   0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2004

...all I want for christmas...
posted by schti @ 10:29 PM   0 comments

posted by schti @ 10:28 PM   0 comments
lists galore!

August top 5 songs:

Stereophonics - Lying to myself again

The Faint - Worked up so sexual

Stereophonics - 1000 trees

Pinback - Loro

Bertine Zetlitz - Fate

posted by schti @ 9:30 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The fun part about moving is that you get to go through all your old stuff... found some old pictures and things. Look at this! It's my 1st grade picture... Look how cute I am! (I'm on the far left by the way, red sweater)
posted by schti @ 11:30 AM   0 comments

now, this picture is taken 9 years ago... DAMN! what was I thinking???
posted by schti @ 11:28 AM   0 comments

my results from the NEO-PIR test I took April 2003... try not to mind the coffee spots :D
posted by schti @ 11:27 AM   0 comments
Sunday, August 08, 2004
summer nights...
this has been the weirdest day in ages... came home late from work last night, fell asleep in a hot and stuffy bedroom, woke up 11 hours later, my bedroom was now boiling, I forgot to open the window and turn on the fan before I fell asleep... lack of sleep and not eating properly for the past few days has left me in pretty shitty shape, so I've been lying on the couch all day, drinking glass after glass of water and slumbering... Hanne "picked me up" at 6 and we went swimming, cooled me down a bit, woke me up... went back home to watch "Bandits" on TV, I never stop being amazed on how delicious Bruce Willis looks as the bad guy... now it's midnight and it's still freggin hot, I'm sitting in front of the computer in my bikini, I have no idea how I'm supposed to get any sleep tonight so I guess I'll spend the night downloading music... new favorites; Pinback, The Streets and Stereophonics... download and listen people!
posted by schti @ 9:50 PM   0 comments
Monday, August 02, 2004
happy happy happy!
the weirdest thing happened tonight... I was out taking a walk, around 10pm, and I was walking back from Ila, up Osloveien... and it was warm and very nice and the sun was setting, making the sky look very 80'ish, and I had Pinback on my discman, and everyone I met on my way looked friendly and happy, and suddenly I just started smiling and laughing a little to myself. For no real reason. I didn't think it was possible to be this happy! Yay for me! :D

I still have a lot of time on my hands though... so if anyone wants to take a walk or meet up for some ice coffee or smoothies or something, give me a hollar! (except this weekend 'cause I'll be visiting my brother...)
posted by schti @ 9:46 PM   0 comments
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Name: schti
Home: Angel, London, United Kingdom
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