Sunday, August 08, 2004
summer nights...
this has been the weirdest day in ages... came home late from work last night, fell asleep in a hot and stuffy bedroom, woke up 11 hours later, my bedroom was now boiling, I forgot to open the window and turn on the fan before I fell asleep... lack of sleep and not eating properly for the past few days has left me in pretty shitty shape, so I've been lying on the couch all day, drinking glass after glass of water and slumbering... Hanne "picked me up" at 6 and we went swimming, cooled me down a bit, woke me up... went back home to watch "Bandits" on TV, I never stop being amazed on how delicious Bruce Willis looks as the bad guy... now it's midnight and it's still freggin hot, I'm sitting in front of the computer in my bikini, I have no idea how I'm supposed to get any sleep tonight so I guess I'll spend the night downloading music... new favorites; Pinback, The Streets and Stereophonics... download and listen people!
posted by schti @ 9:50 PM  
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