Friday, December 23, 2005 |
3. juledag v2 |
Så, 3. juledag. Gøril skal i familieselskap i et par timer så hun stiller ikke med vorspielhus. Hos meg er Thomas, Jane og Kaja på besøk og jeg har ikke lyst til å fylle med en ettåring i huset. Ida Marie? Kristine? Noen ideer? Vorspielet er jo tross alt hovedpoenget med å drekka.
og ellers - bortsett fra at jeg fortsatt er forkjøla begynner julestemninga å sige inn nå, jeg innså plutselig at det er julaften i morra HURRA og snart skal vi spise grøt her hjemme og så skal jeg pynte juletre (uten Thomas for første gang i år, det blir rart) og sette ut nisser og så skal jeg se grevinnen og hovmesteren, som vanlig. ååååh dette blir bra, jul <3
posted by schti @ 2:54 PM |
Sunday, December 18, 2005 |
bestemor... |
har tilbrakt kvelden med å redigere et gammelt passbilde av min mors mor (som døde da mamma var 7). jeg er visstnok blitt veldig lik henne... både personlighet og utseende. det er jeg veldig glad for. hun var en tøff dame. |
posted by schti @ 9:28 PM |
kjeder meg... |
...og vi vet vel alle hva jeg gjør når jeg kjeder meg?
1. DO YOU SNORE? No. Both my parents do tho, I can hear them through the walls of my bedroom. Usually, when my dad is breathing in, my mum is breathing out. I’ve got ear plugs in my bedside table drawer.
2. ARE YOU A LOVER OR A FIGHTER? uuh. Bit of column A, bit of column B….?
3. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? Ending up in a dead end job in some little town in northern Norway with 4 dogs and a fat, snoring husband. *rgh*
4. AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO MANIAC? yes. Absolutely. If I ever have kids they will have loads of Lego, it’s good for developing creativity and logical thinking.
5. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY" TV? Thank God I never have to be on it.
6. CHEW ON STRAWS? Hell yeah. Some people say that’s a sign of being sexually frustrated. Have been doing it less and less lately. Funny that.
well duh.
8. HOW IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU? Hahahaa, I wouldn’t know, I’m happily, uhm, smitten.
9. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR KEYBOARD? well MY keyboard is black but my dads is, uhm, also black. Error.
10. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? Nope. Well, not usually.
11. HAVE YOU EVER BUNGEE JUMPED? No, but I kinda want to.
12. ANY SECRET TALENTS? I can knit… does that count?
13. WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT? I like big cities… but its not so important anymore now that I live in one. An ideal vacation spot can be anywhere, depending on why I want to go on vacation in the first place… but as previous summer vacations go I’d actually have to say the old Lighthouse out by the coast, owned by the Norwegian police, where we used to spend couple of weeks each summer when I was a teenager. Its cold and windy but its gorgeous and you can go for long walks and go fishing at 5am (alltho I can’t stand killing fish so I would usually just let them go) Something I’ve always wanted to do is to do a riding holiday thing tho, like in the mountains or something, there’s something special about seeing wildlife from the back of a horse.
14. IS JAY LENO FUNNY? Absolutely NOT
15. CAN YOU SWIM? Yes. I don’t like it tho. I have a completely meaningless fear of what could be underneath me waiting to A: drag me under or B: eat me. Even in swimming pools, I hate being on the deep end cause you can’t see the bottom and God knows what could be lurking down there.
16. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "DONNIE DARKO"? Yes. A couple of times. And I cry at the end.
17. DO YOU GIVE A DANG ABOUT THE OZONE? Well, yes. I don’t mind a little global warming tho, London is too cold as it is in the winter…
18. HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF A TOOSTIE POP? Licks? You don’t lick it, you suck and bite. Amateurs.
19. CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS? I used to be able to say it backwards in German. Never learnt how to do it the right way around tho, just realised that, how bizarre…
20. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON AN AIRPLANE? yes. My first time was when I was… 18 tho.
21. ARE YOU AN ONLY CHILD? No… but my brother is 7 years older than me so I guess there are elements of being an only child there. Like the fact that I’m a bit manipulative… and spoilt.
23. WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING? If its done humanely… I mean, not with dogs and horses… but the Norwegian kind where you sit around in the forest for hours, get wet, get cramps in your feet, maybe not seeing a deer at all for weeks… then you kinda deserve to kill something in the end. Kinda.
25. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yes, I do. It’ll never be like girly girly beautiful greeting card style handwriting, but it’s readable. And it’s ME.
26. WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO? Hah. Here goes. Cats, horses, hay, all kinds of pollen, nuts, especially peanuts, certain types of anaestethics and antibiotics, citrus fruits, strawberries, something in beer but I haven’t bothered finding out what cause I drink it anyway, lactose… I also have hyper sensitive skin. Oh, and painkillers don’t like me much, they completely knock me out, like today when I had one cup of Lemsip and slept for two hours.
27. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE YOU"? Well, there’s two ways of saying “I love you” (and in Norwegian we have different ways of saying it, see, English sucks), “I LOVE you”– I love you, and friendly I love yous... I’m pretty sure it must have been saying goodbye to Kerry on the phone right before my flight was supposed to leave Stansted a week a ago. For the other one, I haven’t ever. In English anyway.
29. DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS? haven’t really been to one where I actually knew the people getting married yet.. but I’m sure I will
30. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? I generally don’t eat eggs, it’s a bit disgusting…
31. ARE BLONDES DUMB? Am I dumb?
33. WHAT TIME IS IT? 17:38 GMT +1
34. DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME? Lille… The crazy Norwegian… Schcaschti (Annie)… Schti… Loinn (my dad)… Am I missing any?
35. IS MCDONALD'S DISGUSTING? No! It’s beautiful. As long as you don’t think about what the meat is actually made of. Rgh.
37. DO YOU PREFER BATHS OR SHOWER? Depends. But I usually choose a proper hot shower instead of a bath.
38. IS SANTA CLAUS REAL? Don’t be daft.
39. DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN THEY KISS YOUR NECK? They? No, I prefer if it’s just Mark, thank you. One is quite enough.
42. CRUNCHY OR CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER? Peanuts make me go a bit dead. Like, Mark had eaten a Snickers or something once and breathed on my neck, and I got a rash three seconds later and had to get antihistamines cause I was itching. Error.
43. CAN YOU CRACK YOUR NECK? NO! And I HATE it when people do that. It sounds like your head is about to fall off.
44. HAVE YOU EVER RIDDEN IN AN AMBULANCE? No. I have seen people very close to me being taken away in one tho, it’s not a good experience.
47. ARE YOU A HEAVY SLEEPER? Not really. I’m not a light sleeper either tho. I think. I dunno.
49. LAST INSIDE JOKE? Hm. Error?
50. DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE? Absolutely… and it just keeps getting better :D
51. WHAT'S BETTER: Coke or Pepsi? Depends… I’m not that fussed but I do usually choose Coke, probably because of cunning marketing manipulating tho.
52. ARE YOU PSYCHIC? No. But I do get a lot of deja vus and I tend to dream things that later come true. But I cant talk to ghosts and stuff. Or read minds.
54. DO YOU PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS? Yeah. 3 types of saxophones, flute to a very limited degree, some piano and some organ…
55. HAVE U EVER STOLEN ANYTHING? No. Never. I’m such a good girl.
56. CAN YOU SNOWBOARD? I can stand up and get safely down a hill but painfully slowly.
57. DO YOU LIKE CAMPING? As long as there isn’t any spiders.
59. DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? Uhm. Well, I believe it until someone can prove that it DOESN’T excist.
60. ARE DOGS A MAN'S BEST FRIEND? No. Dogs are stupid.
61. YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE? I believe in divorce if its really the last way out.
62. CAN YOU DO THE MOONWALK? thank God, no
63. DO YOU MAKE A LOT OF MISTAKES? Doesn’t everyone?
64. IS IT COLD OUTSIDE TODAY? -4 and snowing
65. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Norwegian meatballs (and potatoes and peas and cabbage stew thingie) mmmmm so good.
66. DO YOU WEAR NAIL POLISH? When I’m not working… its kinda hard to keep up a manicure when you’re rigging lanterns…
68. WHAT'S THE MOST ANNOYING TV COMMERCIAL? Halifax. I hate the guy with the round glasses. Die Halifax guy, DIE
70. FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT? Jacks Mannequin’s “Dark Blue”… thanks Mark :)
og så denne....
FOUR JOBS YOU'VE HAD IN YOUR LIFE 1. Electrician / board op 2. Games tester for Babel, Brighton 3. Shop assistant *rgh* THAT was boring 4. Kiddie Riding School Tutor
FOUR MOVIES YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER 1. Moulin Rouge 2. Top Gun 3. Love Actually 4. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
FOUR CITIES / TOWNS YOU'VE LIVED IN 1. Trondheim 2. London …that’s it.
FOUR TV SHOWS YOU LOVE(ed) TO WATCH 1. Beverly Hills 90210 2. ER 3. Black Books 4. the OC
FOUR PLACES YOU'VE BEEN ON VACATION 1. Eastern Europe (Prague, Budapest, Dubrovnik to mention a few places) 2. Roskilde Festival, Denmark 3. Berlin 4. Uh. Denmark and Sweden. Several cities.
FOUR WEBSITES YOU VISIT DAILY 1. Myspace 2. Several blogs 3. Norwegian news 4. Several forums
FOUR OF YOUR FAVOURITE FOODS 1. My spicy cheesy pasta 2. Potato skins, cheesy garlic bread, spicy chicken wings and pizza 3. The chocolate gateau from the Polish Café at Baron’s Court tube station 4. Any food I eat on my way home from Myplace at 2am :D
FOUR PLACES YOU'D RATHER BE RIGHT NOW 1. London …that’s it, really. I’m quite happy to be in Trondheim right now, only one thing is missing…… |
posted by schti @ 4:56 PM |
Thursday, December 15, 2005 |
3. juledag |
Bare for å slå det fast - Ida Marie; Gøril; Kristine; vi skal drekka 3. juledag! :D noen som føler for å ha vorspiel? :D
gleder meg!! :D |
posted by schti @ 7:25 PM |
Wednesday, December 14, 2005 |
playlist... |
dagens playlist:
Miss America - Something Corporate Testing The Strong Ones - Copeland Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional As You Sleep - Something Corporate Brightest - Copeland Rescued - Jacks Mannequin Globes & Maps - Something Corporate Drunk Girl - Something Corporate The Sharp Hint Of New Tears - Dashboard Confessional Turn Smile Shift Repeat - Phantom Planet Hey Girl - Dashboard Confessional You Have My Attention - Copeland Holidays From Real - Jacks Mannequin Konstantine - Something Corporate Dark Blue - Jacks Mannequin
...eeeeeeeeeeeemo. tror jeg skal klippe håret og farge det svart igjen og begynne å gå med, øh, emoklær.
...eller nei. |
posted by schti @ 7:00 PM |
Monday, December 12, 2005 |
hjemme nå. |
så nå er jeg hjemme. det er godt å være hjemme, på en måte... er godt å møte folk. men blir nok litt langdrygt. tror jeg. spesielt med været. så hvis noen føler for en kaffe, en drink, hva som helst... så er jeg her! jeg vil møte dere alle mens jeg er her. ida m -når kommer du hjem sa du? snorre - ja, jeg kommer nok på Blæst 3. juledag eller når det nå var hvis noen vil bli med meg.
Mark, I know you're probably reading this anyway and trying to work your way through the Norwegian... so this is for you. I miss you. Bid.
men snart er det jul! je! :D
åh, jeg er her fram til den 30. forresten. |
posted by schti @ 10:15 PM |
Friday, December 02, 2005 |
snart jul... |
jeg kommer hjem om 9 dager!! woohoo!!
Ida Marie, Gøril, Kristine... hva gjør dere 2. juledag? vi trenger å møtes mens jeg er hjemme!
veldig kort post. det er 9 grader og sol i London og trærne har bare NETTOPP begynt å miste løvet. |
posted by schti @ 1:13 PM |
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