Wednesday, September 05, 2007 |
oppdatering. |
igjen, saksa fra myspace:
uhm, August. possibly the worst month of my life. - found out I won't be touring with Stomp anymore cause of the London show closing - had to take two weeks holiday cause of show closing - was told thursday, booked flights friday, flew to Norway sunday 5th - which meant manically packing what was left of my stuff in the old flat and shoving it in my room - managed to injury my left eye while in Norway, something got stuck under my contact lens and cut my cornea, intense pain and flowing tears, light sensitive as fuck - spent two whole days in more or less total darkness wearing sunglasses, can't wear contacts for 6 weeks - got back, unpacked last of my stuff, realized I've lost a bag with lots of my fav clothes in it (this is a big deal) - also realized I only had 4 weeks of work left - cue total panic and social withdrawal - was then told Stomp isnt closing at all, its moving to the Ambassadors... but cause its a much smaller theatre they're cutting down on staff, and I'm the one to go - last in first out... like, yeah thanks Stomp, kick me while I'm down, feel free to find the point where it will hurt the most... at one point this week I actually broke down while opping the show, stomp is a weird show to do when your face is full of tears.
and that's more or less it for august. the only reason I somehow pulled through this month from hell is my friends. I don't know what I would have done without you - even if I chose to hide for most of it you didn't let me self destruct in peace and I love you so much for it.
here's to a much better september! (allthough it hasnt started out too well, it can only get better from here anyway)
tillegg: altså, det var veldig hyggelig å se folk da jeg var hjemme og sånn, men hele denne måneden har vært overskygga av denne jobbgreia, så til og med Norgesbesøket ble litt ødelagt. drittmåned. |
posted by schti @ 5:31 PM |
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Name: schti
Home: Angel, London, United Kingdom
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